Dr. Dobson Interviews Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen
by Aimee Herd : Oct 22, 2008 : Citizen Linkhttp://www.citizenlink.org/CLtopstories/A000008470.cfm
"…I am God's girl, and I know that if that [persecution] is coming, then I am on the right road. It fires me up to be like Esther and to live in this time, for such a time as this."
Gianna Jessen was born and survived against all odds—even against the odds of an abortion. Thirty-one years ago, a tiny baby withstood being burned alive in a saline abortion, and was born weighing just 2 lbs.
Fortunately for Gianna, the abortionist wasn't in the room when a nurse had her taken to a hospital and attended to medically. However, due to the attempted abortion, she was deprived of oxygen long enough to cause Cerebral Palsy; a condition she lives with today. Doctors had stated that Gianna would never hold her head up, crawl, or walk. But Gianna—an on-fire Christian—not only accomplished all of those, she has run in and completed several marathons.
Gianna has spoken out about her survival in an ad produced by BornAliveTruth.org, and in various interviews, such as the one excerpted below with Dr. James Dobson.
The following are excerpts from Dr. Dobson's interview with Gianna Jessen on Citizen Link. To download and listen to the interview, CLICK HERE.
Do you have hope Roe v. Wade will be overturned in your lifetime?I know God can do anything. The possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned is quite high—which is amazing to say. But the thing that does trouble me is the hardness of people. All I know is whether it is overturned or not, we will commit ourselves to care for women and children and stand up for them.
In a TV ad, you challenge Sen. Barack Obama over his repeated opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. In response, a new ad calls you a liar, sleazy and vile. How do you respond to that?The exact opposite response of what they're expecting. It actually blesses me because I am God's girl, and I know that if that is coming, then I am on the right road. It fires me up to be like Esther and to live in this time, for such a time as this.
If you could sit down with Sen. Obama, what would you say to him? Do you think you could sway him?I've challenged him, and he won't meet with me so far, but maybe one day he will. [I would ask him…]"Sir, why do you discard life so easily? I just want to know why. When did you decide that you had the right to determine who lives and who dies? You are not God."
I think God could sway him. I think he's frightened of me, really. The fact that I have cerebral palsy as a direct result of having survived an abortion is very convicting to people. I mean, that's my sermon.
If the Lord was sitting right in front of me and said, "G ('cause that's my nickname), do you want Me to make you whole?" I would say, firstly, "I'm going to be whole when I get home. But, if You leave me this way, I have a sermon to preach without saying a word, and I'll get to know You in a way I (would) never [have] know[n] You had I not been schooled in the school of adversity."