Saturday, October 4, 2008


I stood in wonder tonight and watched a spectacular fireworks show through the trees from the front of my yard.

There's something so memory-invoking about firecrackers; watching them instantly brings back thoughts of melting popsicles drizzling into sticky messes between your fingers on warm summer nights.

My most recent memory is of Becky and I standing together in our bare feet in the back yard glimpsing the biggest and brightest of the show over the top of the houses. Somehow it all seemed so fitting to watch this great pyrotechnical display as she prepared to be "launched" on her great adventure of a year in England to get her master's degree, as if she were some sort of shooting star.

I couldn't help but think of our own lives going up in that blaze of His glory; how the Father must love to see His children shine like lights in this increasingly dark place. I thought of how even the seeming "duds" would be a joy to Him, because they made a noise, and a bright light, no matter how brief that light.

After all, we all know that a big part of the fun of a firecracker show is the loud booms that echo in our ears and our lives. "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)" Thanks, Lord!