I read in some blog this week (I wish I could remember which one! so I could give proper credit) about the "kind of Christianity that makes God merely a means to an end rather than an end in and of Himself," and it struck me afresh about the loveliness of laying aside all other agendas in our lives, and solely seeking the joy of fellowship with our Creator, hidden away in Him.
Awhile back, I kept pondering on the scripture 1 Peter 3:4, "But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." This scripture is used in the context of wife winning over her husband without a word, and that has meant a great deal to me at other times in my life.
At this particular time, however, I felt that God was bringing out more about the hiddenness of our heart; here we are, hidden in the wounds of Christ, delighting in Him in the hidden place, the secret place of the most High. And yes, no one will see us as we spill over in thankfulness to Him, as we reverently bow before His throne in our empty living rooms, or raise our hands in awe of His majesty. But isn't that the whole point?
To find ourselves alone with Him, and fully satisfied with Him? Sozo---nothing missing, nothing broken?
I kept thinking about how Jesus called to task the hypocrites of His day for praying long prayers in the sanctuary, instead of going into their private closets. (I think you can tell people who have been "closeting" themselves away with God; they have a distinctive "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost" glow :) )
Or how Jesus adjured us not to let the left hand know what the right hand was doing when giving to the poor...
It seems these days everyone wants to be known; even blogging itself has become a way of being known, with people seeking ways to rev up traffic to their site.
I couldn't help but think of Anna in the temple today while talking with someone else about this. Anna prayed for years and spent hours in the temple seeking God, unknown, until the Lord chose to make known to her the long-awaited Saviour before she died.
Throughout the world, there are Christians who are praying, worshipping God, dying to themselves, and giving their lives for the gospel, but the world, even the Christian population, will probably never know their names (though we will meet them all in heaven, bless them!) There are people who gladly speak the name of Jesus though it cost them everything dear to them, even possibly their very lives. Yet they never make it to the spotlight here on earth.
I guess what I am trying to get at here is that, in a culture where it has become popular to become a star, I am running to the cross once again. I am running to the cross because I do not want to be anything else but the sparrow that has found a resting place next to His heart (Psalm 84). I want to be the hidden man that is of great worth in God's sight. I want to stay where He puts me, no further, no less. I want to be obscure or well-known (ah, yes, for us quiet sparrows, the spotlight itself can be a cross - but that is a whole different post!), seeking only His "well done, good and faithful servant" as I live out my life dedicated to His purposes, to spreading His good news, to actually living out His love.
Lord, I am content with who You have made me, and wherever or however You place me, I have found the place You have prepared for me. It is with You, enjoying Your presence forever.
("No place I'd rather be").