Life is beautiful, my precious Lord...
Here in Your presence are untold joys
Bright happy moments leapfrogging over one another,
Or drifting through my mind and memory
Like so many of the clouds
You paint in all Your Glory
In Living Colors
Yet, underneath there is this river
This river of a million prayers
And tears for my friends and family
Oh that You would free them
From the tyranny of their own
Thoughts and Wills and Emotions
Lord let them be loosed on
The Great Abiding Tide
Of Your River of Truth
And Wholeness
And Life Abundant to the Full...
Carry them away, O God,
To the Places in You
Where Victory is always Assured
Where there is Love Overflowing
And Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory
I Rest in Your Finished Work...
I Rest in Your Faithfulness, even when we abide unfaithful...
I Rest in what You died to give so freely to us...
I Rest in You, the God of More Than Enough.