Thursday, December 23, 2010
Two Hearts Become One
Thursday, November 25, 2010
{yorokobi = joy, delight, rapture in japanese}
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
(I Peter 1:3)
To read this tonight struck such a chord of joy in me!
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ..." yes, yes! how blessed we are! as I look up into Your lovely face, I immediately get the focus off of what and where I am, the little detail foxes that spoil Your vine flourishing in me...Instead, a praise for You The glorious Trinity overflows my lips!
"According to His abundant mercy..." oh, how deep is that mercy for fully I realize His great sacrifice that I might have this entrance into His presence. How amazing and overflowing is that fountain of forgiveness and grace as He continues to bubble up within me.
"Begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" beautiful beautiful exchange of the old nature for that fully new Spirit of You, God living within me! beautiful, beautiful sacrifice of you, Jesus, for me to once and for all have a loving and close relationship with You, Savior of my soul!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Good News (Prison to Praise)
Is not that We are Saved
From Our Surroundings
When We Receive Christ...
For then we would no longer be in this world.
The Good News of the Gospel
Is that we deserve death
For our failure to
Acknowledge the
Most High God
But God, in His Infinite Mercy,
Provided Not only a way of escape,
But Sacrificed His most dearest,
Most precious,
One and Only Son
It is this marvelous, wonderful
In which we can continually rejoice
No matter what our surroundings
Or circumstances would have us to feel
It is this
That deserves our highest praise
And loudest rejoicing
Even while the prison doors
Would seem to still be intact
Around us
(And the walls came tumbling down...)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
My heart has found a resting place
Here, within Your Heart--
Infinite and Full of Love
You encompass me
We dance together
And how beautiful are the steps!
As the light that now
Bounces across the new morning...
"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs;
The autumn rains also cover it with pools"
Monday, November 1, 2010
I thought deeply about this when i read the post. I thought about how i was treating those in my life whom i claim to forgive. I found that I needed to define exactly what not respecting someone would look like in my life, so i looked up the opposite of respect:
In my own life, i struggle often with my relationship with my what point in my forgiveness does it become right for me to disrepect, disregard, and deny him?
If I struggle with the beliefs of a false preacher, or someone who i believe is not walking out their faith, at what point is it Christlike to disrepect, disregard, or deny them?
I looked deep into my own heart, and realized that God had literally carved me...He had allowed me to travel to such a low place that I knew that I knew that I knew that my own worth and respect was not at all earned, but bought for me with a great price. Having traversed the valley of my sin completely and found no remedy in my flesh for any of it, it is no longer my righteousness that I count on. Thank God for the Holiness of the Lamb! Thank You Lord for Your Cleansing Blood! Thank You Jesus for your Infinite Mercy!
She who is forgiven much, loveth much. Selah.
No matter what someone close to you does or does not do, that person is still loved by his/her Creator, and is of infinite value to Him. Because of the great mercy I know has been shown to me, I have no right to disrepect, disregard, or deny their value or worth. While my feelings may try to cause me to go in a different direction than the God-honoring response of loving them in Christ, I know so strongly in my spirit that I don't walk by feelings. I walk entirely by Grace, and by the Love of God shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit.
I also know that I may be the very one that God will shine through for their next breakthrough. So I humble myself, and await His instructions as to best help the person He is calling me to forgive, and believe God for healing their heart...
A word of caution here: I do not believe that God wants us to include in forgiveness a lack of discernment -- to forgive someone does not mean that you do not use your discernment as to whether what they are saying/doing is in accordance with Truth. The Word tells us to speak the Truth in Love, and then to live at peace with everyone, as far as is possible with us. Sometimes this requires us to remove ourselves from situations that cause US to sin. I am not responsible for how the person I forgive reacts to my desire to walk in Truth and Love. I therefore release them to God for mercy, and yes, for justice (However, in the Word of God, we are given many examples of great men/women of God who cried out to God for mercy for their fellows...Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jesus to name a few -- mercy triumphs over justice!)
I have run the gamut of emotions while forgiving different people in my life -- pain, self-pity, anger, discouragement, isolation -- but my biggest breakthrough was when the Lord said to me, Do you love me? and I said, Yes, Lord, you know I do, and He replied, Feed my sheep.
He knew all the emotions I was having, because He had been tempted in every way, just as we are -- yet was without sin. He flowed with the Life of the Spirit in every way, in every circumstance. I know this is setting the bar high, but He is the plumbline. He is the Standard, He is the High Calling of the redeemed. He is the One who has given us all things we need for Life and Godliness. And He is the one who always -- in all ways -- causes us to triumph in Him.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I am your sparrow hiding in the craigs of the Rock,
Longing to stay close and secure in Your embrace
Breathing in and out Your sustenance...
Yet Deep calls to deep in this season
The waves crash over me relentlessly
Even as I crawl into Your refuge and shelter...
Thus I am carved into Your image
Oh God you have been carving very deeply
You have overflowed into every crevice
Of my often unknown heart
And washed and washed my very soul...
I am overwhelmed by Your Mercy
I am overwhelmed by Your Goodness to me...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
God-Painted Colors
Gloriously God-painted in rich saturated colors,
Sparkly blues of sky and shiny glints of sunshine...
And even now when I think about the beauty of it all,
My eyes well up with tears...
Because You planned it this way,
Didn't You, Precious Lord?
And how I used to tumble through my days
Without even noticing --
Why now so spectacular?
Why at this time is it all so wonderful
To pause, to reflect, to saturate myself
In Your saturation?
I cannot but even imagine why...
Except that I almost feel like
I was never so alive as in
This moment...
Never so keen to listen to the rustle of Your voice
As in listening to the crackling leaves...
To breath in all of You
As much as the musty ripeness of harvest...
And never so aware of the brevity of time
As in watching Your ever-deepening display...
I hush my day to marvel and praise
Overwhelmed by all that You are.
(,,,I whisper an awestruck, "I love You",,,)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord
And this morning, Your Spirit rose up in me
With such intensity in worship
That it pierced me...
I feel like I am coming alive again.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What Makes Me Happy and Excited -- What I Long For
If Paul says he is the chiefest of sinners, but changed by grace, then i boldly confess that i am the chiefest of timids, BUT GOD...
I know that my greatest weaknesses are only an opportunity for Him to show Himself strong on my behalf -- that when we realize that we are extremely lacking, that is when God can truly SHOW UP!
And so I wait...on You, Lord, and Your timing....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Moment with You
Soooo peaceful....soooo refreshing....
I have felt someone's effort to wound my heart today,
And just want to come to you now
To ask afresh for her healing...
I ask that You bless her with real and honest healing
Of her heart and emotional baggage and pain
That she would be able to once and for all
Release them all to You
And then receive the true and overflowing
Fullness of Who You Are...
Who You Really Are, Lord
For You are Everything:
All Goodness, All Purity,
All Overwhelming Grace,
All Wisdom, All Purifying,
All Healing, All Abiding LOVE.
Once we are really IN YOU
We have no lack at all...
Words fail me, Lord,
But I know Your heart
And my heart are in sync
And I bless her
And forgive her
And love her with You.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
J eeee ssssss uuuu ssssss
To delight in the thought of You
To worship the ground that You walk upon
To love to be with You because You love to be with me
To ramble on with the raptures of
Two who speak their own language
O King, You too have captured
My heart
With one look of Your eyes...
Hope - Full
God, You have given me great HOPE today
HOPE that all my dear friends
Will find their way
In You
You lead them
So gently
By Your Spirit
And so skillfully
Have placed
Just the
Right People
(Or lack thereof)
In Their Lives
And Then
So sovereignly
Allow circumstances
In their lives
To touch them,
To mold them,
To chasten them,
To empty them,
To transform them,
To fill them
Once again
(My Dearest Lord,
You have become
My Only Hope)
(My Dearest Lord,
Hope in You
Never Has
Disappointed me,
(My Dearest Lord,
How I cherish
You and I,
Our Hope for
Life in You,
Now And Forevermore)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
(Psalm 23 the message)
How I am enjoying Your quiet streams today, Lord...
Let all that You are wash over and over me
Like the Ocean's Mighty Waves
And then lap the shore in
Gentle, Peaceful Pulses
of Grace
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Feast
What riches and satiating goodness
You lay before us...
What a neverending feast
Is all that You provide--
What life-giving nourishment!
To delve into the depths of
The purity of Who You were
And are and will forever be
To fathom the unlimitedness
Of Your fullness in us
Around us and
Through us...
Truly You have prepared
A Table before us
In the presence of
Our enemies
What a Living Word!
What a Treasure!
What a GOD!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Life is Beautiful
Here in Your presence are untold joys
Bright happy moments leapfrogging over one another,
Or drifting through my mind and memory
Like so many of the clouds
You paint in all Your Glory
In Living Colors
Yet, underneath there is this river
This river of a million prayers
And tears for my friends and family
Oh that You would free them
From the tyranny of their own
Thoughts and Wills and Emotions
Lord let them be loosed on
The Great Abiding Tide
Of Your River of Truth
And Wholeness
And Life Abundant to the Full...
Carry them away, O God,
To the Places in You
Where Victory is always Assured
Where there is Love Overflowing
And Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory
I Rest in Your Finished Work...
I Rest in Your Faithfulness, even when we abide unfaithful...
I Rest in what You died to give so freely to us...
I Rest in You, the God of More Than Enough.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Christ in You: The Apostle's Secret by AB Simpson
It is this Paul refers to when he exclaims: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him” (I Corinthians 2:9).
The apostle’s secret of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27) is one which the world cannot grasp. Think of it and try to realize it. God is not only a God who mercifully pardons our guilt and saves us from its consequences, not only a God who gives to us a new nature that loves to do the right which once we hated, not only a God who comes to our aid in temptation and trial and interposes His strength and His providence for our deliverance, but above all this He is a God who comes Himself to live His own life in us.
He takes us into the divine family, makes us partakers of the divine nature, undertakes our life for us, becomes the Author and Finisher of our faith, and works in us “to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). This is incomprehensible to our finite minds.
What does human poetry, human philosophy, the purest form of human religion know of anything like this? No wonder Paul was aflame with the enthusiasm of his glorious discovery and longed to sweep like an angel flying in the midst of heaven to tell our helpless race the mighty secret — the secret that God not only had come down to visit men with a message of mercy, but had come to stay and live within them with “the power of an endless life” (Hebrews 7:16).
It is still a secret, except to the initiated. Not only did it need a divine revelation to make it known to the world, it still needs a divine revelation to make it personally known and experientially real to the individual heart.
This is what the apostle means in I Corinthians 2, where with great clarity and force he argues that the mere human intellect cannot comprehend the things of God, but that we need a divine mind to be added to our human understanding before we can enter into the realm of spiritual truth.
It takes the mind of a man, Paul says, to understand the things of a man; and it takes the mind of God in us to understand the things of God. So he adds, “We have received… the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (I Corinthians 2:12). Later he states the profound and extraordinary fact, “We have the mind of Christ” (verse 16), meaning that God gives to us a supernatural revelation of Himself and a supernatural capacity to understand that revelation.
Therefore the moment that this great mystery becomes an experience in the life of a soul is a transcendent moment. It is one of the mountain tops of life. It is the crisis of existence. It is the Peniel where God declares, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel” (Genesis 32:28) and where transformed Jacob can say, “I have seen God face to face” (verse 30).
Have you entered into that sublime, supreme mystery? Have you passed through the veil into the Holy of Holies, so that you can say triumphantly:
I have passed through the veil to the sacred abode,
Where His glory the Saviour reveals to His own;
And now, in the innermost presence of God,
I am dwelling forever with Jesus alone.
It is always a mystery, because even to the initiated there are still depths and heights of yet undiscovered glory and blessing. The apostle himself declares, “The Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God” (I Corinthians 2:10).
Further, he prays that believers may fully know the riches of the glory of this mystery. He declares, “The love of Christ… passes knowledge” (Eph. 3:19).
This glorious secret will unfold in ever-richer, fuller splendors till the end of time and through the never-ending ages of eternity. All that we know of it already is like the pebbles that a child has gathered on the shore while the depths of the boundless ocean stretch out unexplored beyond.
Artists tell us that the secret of genius in any great work of art lies in the depth of the painting. Some pictures seem all upon the surface; others open to the observing eye infinite depths of suggestion and imagination.
But the mystery of Jesus surpasses all human thoughts, visions or imaginations. Every day unfolds some new charm. Every experience presents in it some new and living glory.
Like Aaron’s rod, it is ever budding, blossoming and bearing new fruit. It never will cease to be as fresh as in the hour its glory first burst upon our transported view. And on and on through the cycles of eternity we shall still sing with wonder and adoration:
His love what mortal thought can reach,
What mortal tongue display?
Imagination’s utmost stretch
In wonder dies away
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Truth is a Person
Help me to love
But not to love in that
I deny the Truth of You
You cannot bless or
Anoint anything other than
You cannot anoint
A mixture
Of flesh and Truth
Of flesh and Spirit
The flesh profiteth nothing
The Spirit gives life....
No matter how loving
We think we are
Unless we are walking
In the Spirit of Truth --
If we hide the very essence
Of what we believe to be You..
And thinly veil it with platitudes
And blessing --
Then are we become double-minded...
Oh God, I don't want a
Watered down Truth
For the sake of unity,
or anything else...
Are there any Christians yet that still believe in being what they say they are?
Are there any Believers yet that reverence You, Your Truth and Your Holiness?
Help me to understand, Lord...
Help me to find where I'm supposed to be in the midst of all this,
And how best to respond to
People calling the bitter sweet
And the sweet bitter...
I humble myself before You
Knowing that All Things
Flow from the Head
Which is Jesus Christ
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Enraptured Each Moment
Each moment in time
I want to shout out my
Love for You
Creator Supreme
There isn't a moment
In any day
That I don't
Want to turn
To You
To acknowledge You
To praise You for All You are
All You've Done
My heart is steadfast O Lord
Fixated on You
(Even if I stay
In this place
Nothing will move me
Because Your grace
Has forever changed
Who I was
Into Part of Your
Delightful, delicious
Daughter - ship :)
Sailing on the oceans of
Your Love...
What a beautiful place to be....
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Gnosis II
Who am I?
I am the bride of Christ -- no longer me and Him, but one with Him...moving with the Lamb every moment of my longer tied to the standards of those around me, but untethered and able to rise to the much higher standards of the only One who I truly need to please...
I am a vessel for the Gloriously Light and Life-filled Christ -- I no longer live, but Christ lives in me! Every breath I take, He takes it with me...every thought I think, is taken captive to the infinitely higher thoughts of the mind of Christ, as I yield to His Spirit within me. My tongue is that of a ready writer, because I yield this member to His all-consuming fire...
It's the difference between asking for something to be effected on you from the outside, and merely yielding to the Power and Life that already resides within you -- His Holy Spirit! It's the difference between begging for something to be done for us, and realizing that His blood and stripes have already given us our sozo now salvation...healed, delivered, and whole :)
Oh, Lord, I pray that the church starts to taste and see HOW GOOD You are...the fullness of all that fills everything in every way...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some times with the Lord have a whispered quality...a Holy hush...
I recently had such a time -- can anyone ever share our deepest, most intimate times with the Lord?...
Even as I am writing this, I smell the fragrance of the One I love -- it is so overwhelming that I can barely write this...
OHHHHHHH, GOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD...the desire for You consumes me, and once again I am on the floor in intense prayer..
How the desire to be a reflection of You has now been superceded by the realization that we move, we think, we reach out to others as an extension of You, the INDWELLING CHRIST, in Whom we live and move and have our being...
Gnosis -- not merely to know about Christ, nor to know things about Him --
The scripture, "my people perish for lack of knowledge" not merely the fact that we are presently as a people so lacking in knowledge of His Word, but the fact that we are as a people lacking in knowing the Very One that indwells us, as in the same Spirit and power that raised Jesus up from the dead dwells in YOU! (Indeed, if God be for us, who can be against us -- shall sickness, or tribulation, or financial difficulties, or problems of any kind separate us from His love -- no, not in any way whatsoever, beloved!)
In Him, in Him, in Him, my heart rings like a bell -- loud and clear, pealing every more melodiously as I catch my breath in wonder at the beautiful revelation of HIM...
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lord, I am aching in prayer today....
Depth of Purity and Love,
Come wash over me
With the Washing of the Word
Cleansing fount of Your blood,
I come in confession and repentance
Knowing that You are faithful and just
Too many streams of opinion!
Too much crowding in of voices in the wind!
I press in...
Until the reality of You and me
Engulfs me,
And I am laid bare and unashamed
Before You...
Oh sweet communion
With You!
I wait and watch with You
In the quiet stillness of