Oh most Wonderful High God, You are Creator of all that is Good and Wholesome and Pure, and all things exist because of You. Are not Your ways so much higher than ours, and Your thoughts so much higher than ours? We glory in all You are this day, all You have accomplished through Christ the Son...
Who am I?
I am the bride of Christ -- no longer me and Him, but one with Him...moving with the Lamb every moment of my life...no longer tied to the standards of those around me, but untethered and able to rise to the much higher standards of the only One who I truly need to please...
I am a vessel for the Gloriously Light and Life-filled Christ -- I no longer live, but Christ lives in me! Every breath I take, He takes it with me...every thought I think, is taken captive to the infinitely higher thoughts of the mind of Christ, as I yield to His Spirit within me. My tongue is that of a ready writer, because I yield this member to His all-consuming fire...
It's the difference between asking for something to be effected on you from the outside, and merely yielding to the Power and Life that already resides within you -- His Holy Spirit! It's the difference between begging for something to be done for us, and realizing that His blood and stripes have already given us our sozo now salvation...healed, delivered, and whole :)
Oh, Lord, I pray that the church starts to taste and see HOW GOOD You are...the fullness of all that fills everything in every way...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some times with the Lord have a whispered quality...a Holy hush...
I recently had such a time -- can anyone ever share our deepest, most intimate times with the Lord?...
Even as I am writing this, I smell the fragrance of the One I love -- it is so overwhelming that I can barely write this...
OHHHHHHH, GOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD...the desire for You consumes me, and once again I am on the floor in intense prayer..
How the desire to be a reflection of You has now been superceded by the realization that we move, we think, we reach out to others as an extension of You, the INDWELLING CHRIST, in Whom we live and move and have our being...
Gnosis -- not merely to know about Christ, nor to know things about Him --
The scripture, "my people perish for lack of knowledge"...is not merely the fact that we are presently as a people so lacking in knowledge of His Word, but the fact that we are as a people lacking in knowing the Very One that indwells us, as in the same Spirit and power that raised Jesus up from the dead dwells in YOU! (Indeed, if God be for us, who can be against us -- shall sickness, or tribulation, or financial difficulties, or problems of any kind separate us from His love -- no, not in any way whatsoever, beloved!)
In Him, in Him, in Him, my heart rings like a bell -- loud and clear, pealing every more melodiously as I catch my breath in wonder at the beautiful revelation of HIM...
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lord, I am aching in prayer today....
Depth of Purity and Love,
Come wash over me
With the Washing of the Word
Cleansing fount of Your blood,
I come in confession and repentance
Knowing that You are faithful and just
Too many streams of opinion!
Too much crowding in of voices in the wind!
I press in...
Until the reality of You and me
Engulfs me,
And I am laid bare and unashamed
Before You...
Oh sweet communion
With You!
I wait and watch with You
In the quiet stillness of
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